The 3 Types Of Fast Personal Secured Loans
Crap happens. Sometimes things just happen in our lives that we have no control over. Sometimes these events are positive and sometimes these events are negative. Regardless, these events will have an impact on our lives no matter how we look at it. Sometimes and negative event will include a medical emergency, unexpected bills, unexpected property expenses or dental emergencies, etc. Unfortunately, these types of emergencies often require spending money that we don't have for whatever reason.
In times of emergencies like this, there are financing options available were a person can go and get a fast personal secured loan. There are three lending institutions that will allow you to access cash through a fast personal secured loan. Title companies, pawnshops and cash advance businesses.
Title Loan Companies
Title loan companies will usually provide you with a fast personal secured loan, provided you are an owner of a vehicle. They like the security of putting a lien on your car. What this basically means is that they will hold the title to your car. You will be still allowed to drive your vehicle for your own personal use. However, if you should miss a few payments, at their discretion, they can now repo your car.
The amount of the loan will be based on the value of your vehicle. Often times, the amount of the fast personal secured loan will range of to a few thousand dollars. The maximum amount of this type of loan it is usually one half of the approximate value of the vehicle.
The terms of this type of loan will vary. Those terms can include the length of the loan which can range anywhere from thirty days to several years. With the loan such as this, the interest rates will tend to be much higher than a regular loan. Failure to meet the terms of the loan will mean that the loan company can now take possession of your vehicle.
Pawn Shops
Another option where a fast personal secured loan can be obtained it is through a pawnshop. A pawnshop can sell items that have not to been reclaimed. A pawnshop operates to provide small loans to its customer base.
How this normally works is an individual who is in need of fast money will enter the pawnshop with an asset that they own. The owner of the pawnshop will then have a look at the asset and then put a value on it. Whatever the appraised value is will be the amount of the loan made available. This is a secured loan because the pawnshop owner for an average of 30 days retains the asset. If the loan and interest is not repaid within those 30 days, the pawnshop owner is now free to sell that personal asset.
Cash Advance Businesses
The third option of where you can obtain a fast personal secured loan is through a cash advance business. The process of obtaining a loan is accomplished by writing a personal check to this cash advance business. The check will be made in the amount of the loan plus associated fees. The writing of a check to the cash advance business qualifies this loan as a secured loan.
The typical term for this type loan is generally two weeks. If after the two weeks the loan has not been repaid, the check will be cashed. If there are insufficient funds in the bank, the borrower will incur additional fees from the cash advance business as well as the fees of the bank too. The interest rates for this type loan are generally very high because of the risk involved.
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